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One Can of Chickpeas Will Change the way you think about Spaghetti & Meat Sauce! It’s wild what you can do with Chickpeas now! I’ve made sandwiches, meatloafs, steaks and chicken using chickpeas, but today we are making a spaghetti and Bolognese!
I made this recipe based on @BrianLagerstrom spaghetti and meat sauce but instead of meat I used Chickpeas and made a ground chickpea meat! This came out pretty dang good and I would 100% make it again, but let me know what you think!
More Stache: http://linktr.ee/Saucestache
Recipes http://SauceStache.com
Where’s the recipe?! It’s not printed anywhere. I followed all the links but it’s not here. Frustrating.