This Tastes Just Like PORK BELLY

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This idea popped in my head to make a super firm, meaty tofu the same way I would make firmer vegan meat. After thinking about that concept for a bit I decided to see if we could do something a little fatty, meaty, with multiple textures. Vegan Pork Belly!!
I know I’ve made a vegan pork belly recipe in the past… and that is good.. but there are always new ways of making things. This recipe comes out super tender, but with a meaty chew (in the meaty part) It has an awesome pork belly taste and this can be used to make vegan pork belly, slice it or mold in thinner to make a pork chop, slice it super thing to make vegan bacon!

Honestly you want believe its TOFU when your done with it!!

Original Vegan Pork Belly recipe!

TOFU Bud Tofu Press (Affiliate link)

Making Vegan Meat – The plant based food science cook book available now

My Amazon store!!
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The goal of SauceStache is to continue trying something new, something new to me and something different.
I find inspirations from you the SauceSquad and my constant hunt of social media to see what food is being made around the globe and how can I try to make it. Lets try to make some food and have fun!!

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