Testing the Secrets for PERFECTLY CREAMY Mashed Potatoes


I wanted to test The Secrets for PERFECTLY CREAMY and FLUFFY Mashed Potatoes!!!
I think I found the perfect combination.
After testing the secrets for the perfectly crispy roasted potatoes I knew I needed to try some of those same tricks for mashed potatoes and I’m so glad I did!

More Stache: http://linktr.ee/Saucestache
Recipes http://SauceStache.com


YOU NEED to Start Cooking your Potatoes like THIS


Thanks to Bespoke Post for sponsoring this video! To get your own Cast Iron Skillet, visit the Bespoke Post Shop https://www.bespokepost.com/SAUCESTACHE

YOU NEED to Start Cooking your Potatoes like THIS
Cooking potatoes using this trick will not only get you a better potato texture, it will taste a LOT better! They are the silkiest, smoothest, most buttery potato I’ve had and it’s all because of 1 ingredient!

I never would have guessed to use this much SALT!

More Stache: http://linktr.ee/Saucestache
Recipes http://SauceStache.com


Do Potatoes make the best Steak?


I saw a video where @veganphoodie made sweet potato tacos, but made the sweet potatoes more.. meaty. So I wanted to try it.. It made sense to me.. but I also wanted to test out some other roots and starchy veg to see what else could be made more meaty.

I’ve dehydrated and rehydrated tofu using a similar technique and that works great, this really does open the door for a lot more meaty food!

Original video https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR9gprTa/
Vegan Phoodie https://www.tiktok.com/@veganphoodie?_t=8WzqfbDFeN4&_r=1

Get more Sauce: linktr.ee/Saucestache

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